Turning Off UAC Prompting in Windows Vista

You may need or want to turn off UAC (User Account Control) in Windows Vista for some unforeseen reason. If you need to turn off UAC please only turn it off temporarily until you are done performing the tasks that needs UAC off. Once the task is completed the please turn on UAC immediately using "Turning On UAC Prompting in Windows Vista" directions. If any of your programs are not working because of UAC then these programs are not compatible with Windows Vista, the end-user (you) should be looking for a compatible version of the program or a patch from the software maker to have the program completely compatible with Windows Vista.

I would highly recommend you leave UAC on in Windows Vista to help you protect your computer from unwanted software starting without your consent.

Turning Off UAC (User Account Control) in Windows Vista – System Configuration (msconfig) Method


To enlarge the images, simply click on the images you would like to view. With Internet Explorer 7, you can right-click on the image to select Open in New Tab.

  1. Click on the Start Orb (commonly known as the Start button).
  2. Type msconfig in the Start Search field on the Start Menu. Refer to Step 1 on the Image below.
  3. The Programs in the Start Menu in the left pane will populate. "msconfig.exe" should appear. Right-click on msconfig.exe (Step2) to select Run as administrator to launch the msconfigutility (System Configuration). Refer to Image below.


  4. A UAC Prompt should appear to allow access to the elevated System Configuration Utility (msconfig). Click on Continue to allow the elevated System Configuration Utility (msconfig) to open. Refer to the Image below.


  5. The System Configuration Utility (msconfig) will open allowing you to turn off UAC (User Account Control) by selecting the Tools tab then selecting Disable UAC. Click Launch to turn off UAC. Refer to Image below.


  6. If you see the following windows then you have successfully disabled UAC (User Account Control) for Windows Vista. Refer to Image below.


  7. Restart your computer to apply the changes.

Turning Off UAC (User Account Control) in Windows Vista – User Account Method


To enlarge the images, simply click on the images you would like to view. With Internet Explorer 7, you can right-click on the image to select Open in New Tab.

  1. Click on the Start Orb (commonly known as the Start button).
  2. Type User Accounts in the Start Search field on the Start Menu. Refer to Step 1 on the Image below.
  3. The Programs in the Start Menu in the left pane will populate. "User Accounts" should appear. Click to open the User Accounts window. Refer to Step 2 on Image below.


  4. Click Turn User Account Control on or off to turn off UAC(User Account Control. Refer to Image below.


  5. A UAC Prompt should appear to allow access to turn off UAC (User Account Control). Click on Continue to continue with turning off UAC(User Account Control). Refer to the Image below.


  6. Uncheck Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer to turn off UAC (User Account Control). Click OK to continue. Refer to Image below.


  7. Click Restart Now to apply the changes. Refer to Image below.


To enlarge the images, simply click on the images you would like to view. With Internet Explorer 7, you can right-click on the image to select Open in New Tab.

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Version 1.2
Edited: May 4, 2012